Pedro Marques
Partner since 2016
Focused on adapting all tax rules and practices to each Client unique reality, understanding their strategy, their financial context, the industry they are part of, the future trends that will influence their performance and the motivations and concerns of their stakeholders.

Joined FSO Consultores in 2016, where he took responsibility for the Corporate area, specifically in Banking, Insurance, and Investment Funds.
Provides tax consultancy to Portuguese and international financial entities, where, in addition to monitoring day-to-day issues, also provides support in terms of tax structuring of M&A operations, tax due diligence, risk analyses in transfer pricing matters, tax structuring of solutions for real estate and non-performing assets, and implementation of solutions related to cross-border tax reporting (FATCA and CRS).
Pedro began his professional career in the Capital Markets area of Banco Finantia, having joined a Big Four company in 1995, in the Tax Consultancy Division, having been appointed Partner of the Tax Consultancy Department in July 2004, being responsible for the Banking, Insurance and Asset Management Area. In 2008 he joined another Big Four company, as Partner in the Tax Consultancy Department, responsible for the Banking, Insurance and Asset Management areas in Portugal and Angola.
He was a member of the teaching staff of the Overgest - ISCTE Postgraduate Programme in Taxation and the Intensive Advanced Postgraduate Course in Tax Law taught by IDEFF.
- Degree in Economics from the Faculty of Economics of Universidade Nova de Lisboa
- Arbitrator of the Tax Arbitration Court of the Administrative Arbitration Centre (CAAD)
— Areas of Expertise
Corporate Tax
Real Estate
Financial sector
Tax Accounting
Tax Reporting
— Contacts
- tp.osfobfsctd@seuqram.ordep
- +351 21 316 31 45
- (Cost of landline call for a Portuguese network operator)
- LinkedIn Profile