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Privacy Policy and Personal Data Protection


The term “personal data” covers information relating to a natural person, identified or identifiable, directly or indirectly, by reference in particular to an identifier, such as name, identification number, location data or others. In the context of this Privacy Policy, personal data refers to information such as your name, date of birth, tax number, e-mail address, address, IP address or telephone number, among others. We guarantee that the personal data you provide will only be processed in the manner described herein and for the purposes set out herein.


FSO – F. S. Oliveira Consultores Lda. – FSO Consultores – uses the information collected to send newsletters, information notes, communications on news and information on courses and other events by e-mail or other means of writing, as well as for the provision of its services, regarding entities for which it assumes the position of service provider, or for the presentation of proposals for the provision of services, when requested for such.

Any informative or marketing nature communications are related to our services or the services of partners with whom we have an agreement and do not constitute a legal or contractual obligation.


Some of our services do not require any form of registration, allowing you to visit our site without telling us who you are.

However, several services and functionalities necessarily require the provision of personal data.

Failing to provide or authorise the further processing or treatment of your personal data will prevent us from continuing to send you any newsletters, informative or commercial notes and may also prevent us from fulfilling our contractual obligations in the case of the provision of services.

Minors personal data are collected and processed with the prior consent of their legal representatives. The legal representatives have the right to access the information and/or request the deletion of the data.

For those who decide not to provide their data, there are no consequences.


FSO Consultores is responsible for handling the data collected, which is treated and processed by computerised means. In order to guarantee the safe preservation of your data and its confidentiality, we process it in the strictest confidence, in full compliance with our internal security and confidentiality policies and procedures, and we do not share your data with third parties for any purpose. There may, however, be automated procedures, such as profiling, in order to better match the content of our communications to your needs.

FSO Consultores may resort to third parties for the provision of certain services involving access, by such entities, to users’ personal data, and commits itself to implementing the necessary and appropriate measures in order to ensure that the entities accessing such personal data are reputable and offer high guarantees of security and confidentiality procedures compatible with the present privacy policy.

The data owner may file any complaint to the National Supervisory Authority – the National Data Protection Commission.


The obtained personal data are incorporated into a database owned by FSO Consultores. Information access (stored in our management software) is only possible by employees with the insertion of access passwords. There are different levels of permission to access personal data information, so each member of staff will only have access to the information strictly necessary to carry out their tasks. Personal data are processed with the legally required degree of protection to guarantee their security and prevent their alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorised access. The IT servers are hosted in a data centre that has a digital information protection service for the hosted servers. The service covers backing up files and storing them in accordance with European and national data protection standards.

Regarding personal data transmitted in the context of recruitment and human resources management processes, it is stored and duly digitally protected with restricted access.

Any documentation provided in hard copy is carefully stored in an appropriate cabinet on the premises of FSO Consultores, with restricted access. Once the documents are no longer needed to be kept on file, they are irreversibly destroyed.


Data owners are free to review, update and decide at any time what type of data they wish FSO Consultores to process and handle.

For this purpose, FSO Consultores may be directly reached at the e-mail address tp.osf@opd or by post to FSO – F. S. Oliveira Consultores Lda, Edíficio Duque de Ávila, Avenida Duque de Ávila, 46 – 1.º B 1050-083 Lisboa (attn. Data Protection Office), to whom you may, at any time, request a copy of the data concerning you, withdrawal of consent, rectification, forgetting, limitation, portability and opposition to the processing of such data.

Please note, however, that revoking consent does not compromise the treatment legality previously carried out on the basis of this consent.


Personal data will be kept until the purpose for which they were collected has been exhausted, and will be deleted as soon as the purpose for which they were collected ceases to exist, without prejudice to legal provisions that require them to be kept for a certain period beyond that given date.


We reserve the right to update this privacy policy periodically and whenever necessary. We will notify you of any changes through the means of contact provided.


The present Privacy and Data Protection Policy has been issued in accordance with current national and European legislation on the protection of individuals regarding the handling of personal data and the free circulation of such data (Law no. 67/98 of 26 October and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016).

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