Tax consulting & Social security
Building the future
Because we do what we believe in, our knowledge, willingness, and availability make the difference.
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We are here to answer any questions you might have.
Edíficio Duque de Ávila
Avenida Duque de Ávila, 46 - 1.º B
1050-083 Lisboa
Phone Number: +351 213 163 140
(Cost of landline call for a Portuguese network operator)
— Services
The range of services provided by FSO Consultores covers all areas of taxation, parafiscal matters and social security.
However, it is important to highlight a number of issues which, due to their particular complexity and specificity, have been the subject of greater investment by our professionals, allowing us to have very specific know-how and experience.
- Individual and Family Taxation
- Social security
- International Taxation
- Corporate Taxation
— The Team
FSO consultants team consists of professionals with academic degrees in law, management, economics and finance, in order to respond to all sorts of client needs in tax and parafiscal matters.

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FSO Consultores believes that a timely and deep knowledge of all legislative changes and of other information and rulings set out by Portuguese and international tax law sources is crucial.At FSO Consultores we are pleased to provide our clients with this knowledge.